At Spring Bells School our physics lab is well equipped with latest devices and instruments. The lab has been set up for approximately 40 experiments for classes 9th to 12th.
A laboratory experiment offers an opportunity to the students to familiarize themselves with various instruments, which they study in theory and this finds applications in industry, engineering and everyday life.
The laboratory is left open for the students with additional facilities to carry out innovative project work, apart from regular practical classes under the guidance of well qualified teachers and trained lab assistant.

Chemistry lab has a wide range of apparatus and chemicals. It is prepared to provide exposure to students in a neatly designed, spacious & well ventilated area. The lab is aesthetically designed with separate store room with proper storage facility. It has the capacity of 40 students to perform various practicals. It provides opportunity to students to groom their knowledge of chemistry on the basis of practical aspects that will enhance the skills of students.

Well-equipped Biology lab has all essential reagents that are required in senior secondary examination practicals. Plant specimens, dicot-monocot roots and stems, weighing balance, PH meter, etc. help students to perform various practicals.